by | Apr 25, 2016 | Accessories
In response to numerous requests we decided to offer sets of Kora Strings as well as individual replacement strings. This is the same material we use on our custom built koras, made from high quality, instrument grade, monofilament nylon. We put together five...
by | Apr 25, 2016 | Accessories
We have found a company that produces some nice pre-amps along with some great sounding film-transducers and condenser mics which make for very elegant active systems for koras. Installation is easy, no soldering, everything plugs together, after-market installs are...
by | Apr 25, 2016 | Accessories
Folding Kora stands made from high grade plywood. Three sizes, small fits kora bodies up to 16″, medium up to 18″ and large fits up to about 20″ diameters. Email us for more info and...