Kora Bags:
Cello/Kora Bags:
Technically these are bags for 4/4 size cellos, but they make for an economical gig bag for small and medium koras, up to 17.5in/44cm wide and not taller than 52in/130cm (see drawings below). Padded, well-made, with handle and adjustable backpack straps, 2 pockets.
Cost: 100.-US$/90€, not including shipping.
To order, please send an email to info@kumbengokoras.com Be certain to include your address so we can estimate shipping cost.

Malika Kora Bags:
Custom made for Kumbengo Koras in Malika/Senegal by the talented Seny Diakhate.
Available in the four Kumbengo Kora sizes, small, medium, large and X-large, for dimensions see drawings below.
Heavily padded, exceptionally well-made, with handle and adjustable backpack straps, small accessory pocket.
Cost: 200.-US$/180€, not including shipping.
To order, please send an email to info@kumbengokoras.com Be certain to include your address so we can estimate shipping cost.

Kora Sizes:
Here find drawings with measurements indicating the largest possible dimensions for the given size.